Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Hormones are chemical messengers our body produces which play an important role in most of the body’s basic functions like digestion, appetite, immune function, brain function, libido, and mood. Low or imbalanced hormone levels can have profound effects on your health and feeling of well-being. Hormone replacement therapy are medications that replace the hormones your body is not producing.

Bio-identical hormones are derived from plant sources (yams) and are chemically engineered to have the exact formula that is molecularly and functionally identical to the hormones produced by the body. These are not the same as synthetic hormones which are produced by using pregnant mare’s urine.

For both men and women, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help maintain overall health and well-being, especially as they age.


BHRT can be beneficial in relieving menopause and andropause symptoms.
For Men and Women, BHRT may help with: Increase energy and motivation, Mood Disorders, Boost sex drive, Reduce fat, Build muscle, Improve Sleep, Fatigue, Lowers your risk of heart disease.
For Women More symptoms include: Hot flashes, Night sweats, Vaginal dryness, Painful intercourse, Overactive bladder and Chronic urinary tract infections, Fatigue, Weight gain, Foggy thinking, Loss of bone density.
For men, BHRT may help to: Improve sleep, Reduce irritability, Stabilize your mood, improve depression and anxiety, Enhance memory and concentration, Help prevent prostate problems, Strengthen your bones to prevent fractures in later years, Relief hot flashes.


Most patients come to their doctor complaining of many of the above symptoms. Blood tests can determine if the levels of various hormones are insufficient, and will help your doctor monitor your hormone levels throughout treatment.


Women: The most common hormones used in BHRT for women are estrogens and progesterone. Testosterone, pregnenolone, and/or DHEA may also be part of a treatment plan for some patients.

Men: The most common hormones used for men to treat the symptoms of andropause is Testosterone. Pregnenolone, and/or DHEA may also be part of a treatment plan for some patients.


1.How will I take the replacement?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy comes in pill, cream, patch, gel, pellet or injection form.

The BHRT prescription is custom-formulated for your specific replacement needs, and is individually compounded at the time your prescription is placed.

It is important to monitor the efficacy of the formulation, as well as any side-effects. Therefore, you will need to have blood tests four times a year so any adjustments can be made to your doses.