Medical Marijuana Card

Cannabis was widely utilized medicinally during the 19th and early 20th centuries, described in the United States Pharmacopoeia for the first time in 1850. Federal restriction of cannabis use and cannabis sale first occurred in 1937 with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act. Today medical marijuana is legally sold for medicinal uses and here is why…

Once studied by scientists, the cannabis plant could be broken down by its chemical properties due to the discovery of Trichomes. Trichomes are the crystal Resin covering the buds of the plant, the part we consume! These tiny, translucent, mushroom-shaped bulbs secrete aromatic oils widely known as Terpenes, as well as cannabinoids, like THC and CBD.

Cannabinoids are a group of compounds found in cannabis flower. When consumed these cannabinoids mimic the body’s naturally produced endocannabinoids. There are over 60 cannabinoids in cannabis, but they are classified into two broad categories. Psychoactive and nonpsychoactive.

The psychoactive class of cannabinoids produce the “high” feeling, which become psychoactive only after undergoing decarboxylation (this requires heating to greater than 100 degrees and the THC-A becomes THC (psychoactive). The most common ones are THC THCV, and CBN. THC when exposed to air slowly converts to CBN, a powerful sedative with very little psychoactivity.

Non-psychoactive cannabinoids include a wide variety of medical applications. The most common non-psychoactive cannabinoids are CBD, CBG, CBL and CBC. CBD has the most wellness benefits, like pain and stress relief. It makes up roughly 40 % of cannabis resin. Terpenes are an organic compound found in the plants that are responsible for scent and taste. There are currently over 100 terpenes identified in cannabis. The most common terpenes are the indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties.

Indica dominant strains provide patients with a body euphoria and are often used by those seeking for stress or pain relief due to their calming effects. Sativa dominant strains provide patients with a more cerebral effects, helping patients improve their mood and in some cases their focus. Everyone has different affects with the different types of terpenes depending on their own endocannabinoid system.


1.How do I qualify?

To qualify as a Medical Marijuana patient in the state of Florida you have to be a permanent or seasonal resident, diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition, and be entered in the Medical Marijuana Use Registry. At our clinic we provide these services and help our patients get registered with the OMMU (office of Medical Marijuana Use Registry) website.

Medical marijuana comes in many forms including but not limited to, smokable flower, vaporizers, sublingual tinctures and edibles, concentrates, distillates, topical creams and patches.

Please give us a call at 813-898-8980 or you can email us at and we will help you with your first steps and getting you scheduled!